Does the UC need to return to the early church? (Scenario 3)

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    Does the UC need to return to the early church? (Scenario 3)


      Dear Keith

      I fully support your third option with adherence to the early Church’s Apostles’ Creed. The rejection by the Uniting Church hierarchy of Biblical standards marked the death knell of the Uniting Church in Australia.

      God bless you.
      Fred Nile


        There may be no option in the future. The core business of the early church was spreading the gospel – that is the knowledge of who Jesus is and what he has done on our behalf.

        This was done in small groups, often because of persecution.

        Persecution of Christians will come again and that will see the church grow – but not as a multifaceted conglomerate which it is now.

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      Conference Speaker
      Scenario Planner

      Dr Keith Suter is a highly experienced speaker. He is a regular on the corporate speaking circuit, where all of his presentations are tailored to the clients.

      Dr Keith Suter is also a scenario planner. He works with organizations on their "futures" and their potential opportunities for innovation.